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高鐵台中站 to 涵碧樓 - Taxi & Private Car


Distance65 kmTravel time60 mins

fare estimation

TWD 2300TWD 1,650



涵碧樓 private Transfer FAQs

  • 為了乘客未來可能的訂單修改或取消,每筆訂單只含一趟車的資訊,所以如果需要來回叫車,請分兩筆訂單預定。至於價格已經市場最優惠,並無特別針對來回車趟做額外折扣,但如果手上有優惠代碼,歡迎直接使用,不限單程或來回。
  • 此路線無高鐵可搭,如選擇計程車小黃,價格落在1700~2300元間。無論在價格上或服務品質上,tripool都是你專車接送的最佳選擇。
  • 只要搭乘高鐵當天有乘坐tripool專車從高鐵台中站到涵碧樓,高鐵購票全面享平日85折、假日9折優惠,再也不用擔心數量少少的65折早鳥票搶不到,更不用為了省錢屈就奇怪時段班次而購買8折早鳥票。不論是端午返鄉還是跨年連假,只要高鐵官網仍有票賣,就保証享有最佳優惠,讓你再也不會想要購買高鐵自由座。趕緊來去tripool預購高鐵票的網頁下訂:
  • 對於平常就有在使用長程專車接送服務的乘客來說,第一次使用tripool的會擔心價格比市價便宜不少,是不是因為司機素質比較差、車上會有煙味、或者車齡過大,但事實恰恰相反。tripool不僅有嚴密的篩選機制,定期淘汰顧客評分較低的司機,且車輛均要求5年內新車,司機也絕對不會在車內吸煙,於新冠肺炎期間也絕對全程配戴口罩。tripool之所以能將價格壓在市價7~8折的主因來自於自行研發的AI車輛調度演算法,能有效降低空車率,也就是提高俗稱「回頭車」的比例。這不僅體現在成本的控制,更是在傳統旺季(年假、端午、中秋、雙十等)能用更少的司機來服務更多的旅客,意味著使用到不熟悉的司機或者轉單給其他車行的情況比同行更低,如此便反應在服務品質的控管會更佳。但tripool網站上的價格是動態的,一般來說越早預訂價格越優,且保證前一天中午以前均可全額取消退費,如已經決定好要從高鐵台中站去涵碧樓,請儘早下訂以把握最划算的價格。
  • 許多的Line群組或Facebook社團裡,有很多低價的白牌車、私家車或野雞車在招攬生意,這不僅是違法可能被警察臨檢並趕下車,出意外後保險公司更是不會提供任何理賠,如果又遇到心術不正的司機,其犯罪行為可能都無法監控或追查。最好別為了省小錢而冒上不必要的風險。而tripool雇用的司機、使用的車輛以及配合的車行,一定符合台灣法律規定,除了司機擁有合法的職業駕駛執照以及良民證外,車輛一定投保最高500萬乘客險。最好辨別叫的車是否合法,就看車牌的開頭,只要不是R或T開頭的車,就一定是違法。
  • tripool提供全台各地包括涵碧樓與高鐵台中站的包車旅遊,從單純的單趟接送到算時間的計時包車都有,可彈性選擇2~12小時的服務,滿足家族出遊、朋友聚會、婚喪喜慶等不同的需求。價格透明、無隱藏費用,網站試算即真實價格,免去來回電話確認。一天包車的價格可能跟其他車隊相差無幾,但是如果只需要短時數或者單程專車服務者,敢大聲說我們價格絕對最划算。網站上可直接挑選小轎車、休旅車、或九人座箱型車,如需10人以上巴士,請來信洽詢。
  • 在乘車結束後一週內,tripool都會透過第三方系統寄出旅行業代收轉付電子收據,如果公司需要報公帳,在預約付款前可以輸入公司的抬頭與統編,同樣會在乘車後一週內寄出三聯式電子發票,且不會額外收取5%稅金。在收到後,可自行列印留存或報帳,完全符合台灣的法律規範。
  • tripool提供的車型以五人座小轎車、休旅車與九人座箱型車為主,車款品牌以豐田Toyota、福特Ford、福斯VW為主,其中也有少量進口車像凌志Lexus、特斯拉Tesla、賓士Benz等高級車款。全部五年內合法營業用車,百分百無菸車,乘客均有最高500萬乘客險。如果有特殊需求或人數較多,需要大T保母車、20人座中巴、40人座大巴或遊覽車,可特別填單並另外報價。

Tripool FAQs

  • The competitive advantage of tripool is the high efficiency of car dispatch. The secret sauce that tripool can offer excellent service but 20~30% less than the market price is AI algorithms. Longer distance driven with passengers means tripool can use fewer vehicles on the road but serve more passengers simultaneously, especially during holidays like Chinese New Year, Moon Festival, and Double Ten Day. In other words, tripool is less likely to pass orders to unfamiliar drivers or request other car companies' help during peak seasons. Better quality control leads to more happy return customers, and it can enhance the efficiency of AI algorithms and create a positive feedback loop.

    The taxi fares listed on tripool's website and app are dynamic. Generally, the earlier you book, the better price you will get. We guarantee a full refund for any cancellation requested at least two days in advance. If you are planning to travel from 高鐵台中站 to 涵碧樓, you are welcome to make a reservation right now to catch the best deal.

  • Tripool provides full-day service, from 1 AM to 11:30 PM.
  • Sure. Taking your small pet along on Tripool's pet-friendly car is welcome. But there are a few conditions. Please keep your pet in a carrier all time during a ride and keep clean for the next passengers.
  • Tripool provides transport services from Point A- Point B.It specially designed for travel purposes, and allows passengers to have the best deal. Beats public transportation timing or even fares, and passengers will not need to worry about lugging heavy luggages around. A much flexible option as compared to public transportations due to the various restrictions.

Besides from 高鐵台中站 to 涵碧樓 , there are other popular routes, such as…

  • From 台北市
    from NT$4100
  • From 南投縣
    from NT$1750
  • From 桃園市
    from NT$3550

Our goal

Comfortable, affordable, and sustainable

We believe travel is a part of our daily life. Sadly, some travelers cannot go where they desire to due to transportation and budget concerns. So Tripool dedicates ourselves to software development and uses technology to improve Taiwan's travel environment. We achieved:

  • By AI algorithms, we enhance the efficiency of vehicle dispatching and increase the distance driven with passengers.
  • Passengers don't have to bear the driver's return trip cost.
  • Fewer private cars are on the road, but more travelers can have a hassle-free traveling experience.

We understand it's difficult for foreign tourists to find a reliable taxi and an English-speaking driver for long-distance traveling, especially during the post-COVID-19. Uber may take me to scenic areas but cannot take me back to a city. Renting a car with a driver for a full day is expensive. What if passengers only need a few hours? Tripool is your best travel buddy, providing point-to-point transportation service to anywhere in Taiwan with a price of 20~40% off by using route optimization algorithms.

Trusted by industry leaders

  • 位於台中的KPMG與tripool旅步預約多趟專車接送,其包含從台中市北區博館東街***至桃園機場第一航廈,評價4.5分
  • 位於新竹的清華大學與tripool旅步預約多趟專車接送,其包含從新竹市東區光復路二***至桃園機場第二航廈,評價4.5分
  • KKDAY為tripool旅步簽約夥伴,為其旅客提供包車服務
  • booking.com為tripool旅步簽約夥伴,為其旅客提供包車服務
  • TripAdvisor為tripool旅步簽約夥伴,為其旅客提供包車服務
  • 位於台北的遠雄人壽與tripool旅步預約多趟專車接送,其包含從桃園市桃園區經國路***至台北市信義區松高路***,評價4.7分
  • 位於台北的米飯旅行社與tripool旅步預約多趟專車接送,其包含從台北市中正區同安街***至桃園機場第一航廈,評價4.6分
  • 位於台中的味丹與tripool旅步預約多趟專車接送,其包含從新北市永和區秀朗路***至台中市沙鹿區錦華街***,評價4.4分
  • 位於台中的中興大學與tripool旅步預約多趟專車接送,其包含從台中市北區中清路一***至台中市北區中清路一***,評價4.4分
  • 位於台中的逢甲大學與tripool旅步預約多趟專車接送,其包含從台中市西屯區逢大路***至新北市三芝區迎旭街***,評價4.9分

Our vehicles

5-Seater Sedan

Toyota Altis or similar

7-Seater MPV

Toyota Corolla Cross, RAV4, or similar

9-Seater Van

9-Seater Van

Volkswagen Caravelle, Ford Tourneo or similar

Reviews from true passengers
Liu Yan Ling2020-07-13



He Han Xi2021-01-01



Liu Mei Ping2020-08-14



Lin Jia Yu2020-10-19



Ang Jinhuan2019-05-19

Thanks for the great car.

Responsible driver who was patient and calm. Great car that helped me feel safe during the bad weather. Thank you.

Book today, go tomorrow

From your doorstep to anywhere

Distance65 kmTravel time60 mins

fare estimation

TWD 2300TWD 1,650